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Spirulina Helps Seniors with Mild Cognitive Impairment

A very large number of seniors struggle with the challenge of mild cognitive impairment. A very tiny supplement offers very large help.

Seniors with mild cognitive impairment have trouble with memory and thinking that is not serious enough to cause the more catastrophic problems of Alzheimer’s Disease. A remarkable 42% of seniors are affected by it. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is the cognitive grey zone between the normal cognitive decline that everyone experiences with aging and the serious cognitive decline of dementia.

MCI may increase your risk of Alzheimer’s, but not for everyone. Overall, it increases the risk of dementia by 5 times. 15% of people with MCI will progress to dementia within 1-2 years and 65%-80% will within 3-6 years.

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that is loaded in nutrients, including balanced amino acids and protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. It is loaded in B vitamins, (including B12), calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium and manganese. The nutrients in spirulina are easily digested and highly absorbable.

This double-blind study gave 74 people with MCI either a placebo or 1g of spirulina 3 times a day for 12 weeks.

The spirulina group experienced significant improvement in visual learning and visual working memory. On the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, there was a significant improvement in vocabulary.

The study concluded that spirulina was safe and that it significantly improved memory function in older adults with MCI.

Nutrients. September 9, 2022;14(18):3714.

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