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Many of you will be reading this around the Fourth of July so I want to wish you a wonderful Independence Day! This is a great time to reflect and celebrate important rights codified in our country’s Declaration of Independence that underpin all other principles of our preferred form of governance. Paramount are our rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” and to create “governments instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”


I consider it my job to stay abreast of things that may limit our freedoms of choice regarding foods, supplements and medicines. In 2021 and 2022 a great deal of effort was taken by various governments, corporations and media outlets to limit and even remove these freedoms and this only strengthened my conviction that we need to stay informed so we can express our "consent or dissent" with our representatives, as required in any representative-governance requires. Last quarter I alerted you to a forthcoming vote on what was being called a “Pandemic Treaty” or “Agreement” by the World Health Organization. I felt that its’ critics made a strong case that it would extend too much power to the international organization and ultimately usurp some of our own national sovereignty in regard to dealing with health crises like the covid pandemic. It was voted on in late May and thankfully it failed to garner enough support from member nations to pass. Critics point out however, that in the few days after the vote, the supporters of the treaty took to “updating” an existing and established agreement created in 2005 called the International Health Agreement. They did this in the last few hours of the assembly which critics say violated a requirement to distribute any updates to member nations 4 months in advance of an assembly. Does this sound like they are “deriving their power from the consent of the governed?” I don’t think so. This is a complicated topic, but if you consider your rights to choose which foods, supplements and medicines you put in your body then I would humbly suggest that you expand your sources of news beyond mainstream media outlets and research un-censored platforms like Substack and Twitter. Journalists are supposed to have total freedom to report as they see fit on these platforms and I think that an un-censored media is absolutely necessary to maintain an informed electorate and retain our health freedoms.

Pilgrims Rewards Program: New and Improved – Beginning July 1 2024

Our original rewards program has done a great job rewarding our highest-spending customers with up to 4% in rebates issued twice a year. We love the program and are keeping the rewards at the same level but instead of issuing rewards twice a year based on the prior 6 months of spending, we will be issuing the rewards in smaller increments more frequently. Many of you will now start seeing $50, $20 and $10 rebates loaded into your account more frequently. The new Rewards software that we will use to administer the program needs to function in this manner and that’s fine because it also allows us an unlimited number of ways to incentivize and reward all customers. Currently about 25% of customers benefit from the existing program, but we want to reward everyone, and this new software will allow just that!


Why do you want to update your contact info?

We will be communicating discounts and promotions to you via email or text, but we need to have that contact info in our system correctly and we also want your permission. If you do not want to receive promotions via email or text, then you can let us know on this web page. Thank you so much for choosing healthy foods and for “supporting local” by shopping with us at Pilgrims Market! Enjoy your summer!!!

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